All rigorous and measurable goals aligned to state content standards.
All activities, materials and assessments that:
Objectives aligned and logically sequenced to the lesson’s goal, providing relevant and enriching extensions of the lesson.
Integration of technology to enhance mastery of goal(s).
All measurable goals aligned to state content standards.
All activities, materials and assessments that:
All objectives aligned and logically sequenced to the lesson’s goal.
Integration of technology to enhance mastery of goal(s).
All goals aligned to state content standards.
All activities, materials and assessments that:
All objectives aligned to the lesson’s goal.
Integration of technology when applicable.
Most goals aligned to state content standards.
Most activities, materials and assessments that:
Lessons where most objectives are aligned and sequenced to the lesson’s goal.
Few goals aligned to state content standards.
Few activities, materials and assessments that:
Lessons where few objectives are aligned and sequenced to the lesson’s goal.
These reflective questions are designed to support reflection on classroom practices, gather relevant data, and make necessary adjustments to increase lesson effectiveness. Base the responses to these questions on high-quality evidence.