Data & Assessment

Performance Levels

Formal and informal assessments to monitor progress of all students, shares appropriate diagnostic, formative and summative assessment data with students to engage them in self-assessment, build awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses and track their own progress

Substantive, specific and timely. feedback to students, families and school personnel on the growth of students in relation to classroom and campus goals and engages with colleagues to adapt school-wide instructional strategies and goals to meet student needs while maintaining confidentially.

Analysis of student data connected to specific instructional strategies and use of results to reflect on his or her teaching and to monitor teaching strategies and behaviors in relation to student success.

Formal and informal assessments to monitor progress of all students and incorporate appropriate diagnostic, formative and summative assessments data into lesson plans.

Substantive, specific and timely feedback to students, families and other school personnel on the growth of students in relation to classroom and campus goals, while maintaining student confidentiality.

Analysis of student data connected to specific instructional strategies and use of results to reflect on his or her teaching and to monitor teaching strategies and behaviors in relation to student success.

Formal and informal assessments to monitor progress of all students.

Consistent feedback to students, families and other school personnel while maintaining confidentiality.

Analysis of student data connected to specific instructional strategies.

Formal and informal assessments to monitor progress of most students.

Timely feedback to students and families.

Utilization of multiple sources of student data.

Few formal and informal assessments to monitor student progress.

Few opportunities for timely feedback to students or families.

Utilization of few sources of student data.

Student Centered Teacher Centered


  • Conferences and Conversations with the Teacher
  • Formal Observations/Walkthroughs
  • Classroom Artifacts
  • Student Growth Processes
  • Analysis of Student Data

Reflective Questions

These reflective questions are designed to support reflection on classroom practices, gather relevant data, and make necessary adjustments to increase lesson effectiveness. Base the responses to these questions on high-quality evidence.

  • How did informal assessments impact instruction?
  • What instructional adjustments were made based on informal assessment data and how did it impact student learning?
  • How did students respond to quality feedback?
  • What did student data reflect about the impact of instruction?
  • Did the learning target align to the rigor of the standard(s)?
  • In what ways did student work demonstrate attainment of the learning target?
  • How did the analysis of student assessment data impact the lesson?
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