Opportunities for students to generate questions that lead to further inquiry and promote complex, higher-order thinking, problem solving and real-world application
Instructional groups based on the needs of all students, and allows for students to take ownership of group and individual accountability.
The ability for all students to set goals, reflect on, evaluate and hold each other accountable within instructional groups.
Activities, resources, technology and instructional materials that are all aligned to instructional purposes, are varied and appropriate to ability levels of students, and actively engage them in ownership of their learning.
Questions that encourage all students to engage in complex, higher-order thinking and problem solving.
Instructional groups based on the needs of all students and maintains both group and individual accountability.
All students understanding their individual roles within instructional groups and facilitates opportunities for student input on goals and outcomes of activities.
Activities, resources, technology and instructional materials that are all aligned to instructional purposes, are varied and appropriate to ability levels of students.
Questions that encourage all students to engage in complex, higher-order thinking.
Instructional groups based on the needs of all students.
All students understanding their individual roles within instructional groups.
Activities, resources, technology and instructional materials that are all aligned to instructional purposes.
Questions that promote limited, predictable or rote responses and encourage some complex, higher-order thinking.
Instructional groups based on the needs of most students.
Most students understanding their individual roles within instructional groups.
Activities, resources, technology and/or instructional materials that are mostly aligned to instructional purposes.
Encourages little to no complex, higher-order thinking.
Instructional groups based on the needs of a few students.
Lack of student understanding of their individual roles within instructional groups.
Activities, resources, technology and/or instructional materials misaligned to instructional purposes.
These reflective questions are designed to support reflection on classroom practices, gather relevant data, and make necessary adjustments to increase lesson effectiveness. Base the responses to these questions on high-quality evidence.