Managing Student Behavior

Performance Levels

Consistently monitors behavior subtly, reinforces positive behaviors appropriately and intercepts misbehavior fluidly.

Students and the teacher create, adopt and maintain classroom behavior standards.

Consistently encourages and monitors student behavior subtly and responds to misbehavior swiftly.

Most students know, understand and respect classroom behavior standards.

Consistently implements the campus and/or classroom behavior system proficiently.

Most students meet expected classroom behavior standards.

Inconsistently implements the campus and/or classroom behavior system.

Student failure to meet expected classroom behavior standards interrupts learning.

Rarely or unfairly enforces campus or classroom behavior standards.

Student behavior impedes learning in the classroom.

Student Centered Teacher Centered


  • Conferences and Conversations with the Teacher
  • Formal Observations/Walkthroughs
  • Classroom Artifacts
  • Analysis of Student Data

Reflective Questions

These reflective questions are designed to support reflection on classroom practices, gather relevant data, and make necessary adjustments to increase lesson effectiveness. Base the responses to these questions on high-quality evidence.

  • What connections can be made between instructional planning and managing student behavior?
  • How did classroom relationships impact learning?
  • How did students hold each other accountable to expectations?
  • What reinforcements for behavior were most effective?
  • How did student behaviors impact adjustments to instruction?
  • What opportunities existed for students to experience success and receive recognition?
  • How well were active teaching methods employed to engage students?
  • What changes to classroom management are needed to meet the needs of diverse learners?
  • What impact did proximity instruction have on classroom management?
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